New community benchmark on water infrastructure resilience released
The Alliance for National and Community Resilience (ANCR) released the third of its Community Resilience Benchmarks — the water benchmark, which addresses resilience of drinking water, wastewater and stormwater systems.
ANCR’s Community Resilience Benchmarks (CRBs) support communities in assessing their resilience and developing strategies for improvement. These benchmarks take a coordinated, holistic look at the people, services and processes that make communities work.
The water benchmark was developed by a committee of subject matter experts co-chaired by Andy Kricun, Managing Director at Moonshot Missions and Senior Fellow at the US Water Alliance, and Jennifer Adams, an emergency management consultant. Committee members included representatives from the American Chemistry Council, American Water Works Association, Denver Water, Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association, Dupont Water Solutions, McWane, New York City Department of Environmental Protection, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Read more here: https://waterfm.com/new-community-benchmark-on-water-infrastructure-resi...